Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Long time no blog . . .

Wow, time has passed us by. David is almost 22 months old and his development is exploding everyday. Time to get y'all caught up.

We went to Nebraska over the weekend and on the way home, via Anselmo, NE, we were stopped by a train. David's in the backseat and craning his neck to see and his face was full of discovery. I realized that it was the first train he'd ever seen a train. He looked at me, pointed and said "choo choo." We read a book with Thomas the Train every night so he was making the connection between what he was seeing and the sound that the trains make. Next trip to Nebraska we'll spend time at the railyards in North Platte so he can see lots of trains. He's still saying choo choo in the mornings.

Last night David picked up his Bible to read some stories before bed. I told him that it was a special book called the Bible. David said "Bible". I told him it was written by God for him, mommy, daddy, Meghan, nana and papa, etc. Then we read some stories. When we were done I reminded him it was called The Bible. I asked him who wrote the Bible and he said "Papa!" (His grandpa). I think he understands that a very important man wrote the Bible. For him that is Papa.
Lastly, David is refusing to sit in his booster seat. So here are pics and video of him eating like a big boy. He opened the refrigerator (after dinner), grabbed a yogurt, opened it. I transferred it to the bowl and he ate all of it. Oh yeah, my son who used to run when you grabbed the camera, now stops and poses when the camera is out!

Monday, July 27, 2009


David loves kethcup but he isn't a fan of french fries. He views fries as the disposable mechanism with which to deliver ketchup to his tummy. Here he is enjoying his Happy Meal on Friday with lots of ketchup!

Summer update

Summer is almost over but we've had so much fun I keep forgetting to blog and post pictures. In June we took David camping for the first time. His little sleeping bag is so cute but he preferred mine. The first night he fell off his bed around 3 am so I moved my bag to where he was and he crawled in mine. That little guy is a bed hog. The 2nd night we made him a nest on the floor but that didn't work so once again, I slept with him in my bag. My bag is a mummy bag and wasn't built for 2, even one David's size! The last night we put warmer pajamas on him and he slept covered but not zipped up so I didn't have to sleep with him that night. We didn't take pictures camping but here's the only 1 I have of him in his new chair.

We had a birthday party for my sister and myself and the kids (my neice) had a great time. Here they are running around chasing each other. It was the first time they really played "together".

David also spent time with Nana and Papa in June. He really loves this bench so here he is taking in some sun.

Finally, David has a stuffed dog that he got for Christmas. This is in lieu of a teddy bear but is now with us almost everywhere. For Father's Day he met a dog that belongs to a family at church and the dog's name is Abby. Well, now his dog's name is Abby so here is David and Abby.
All in all we've had a fantastic summer. It has been a lot of fun, very busy and we're anxious for what comes next. David had his first concrete "kiss" yesterday and fared well, just a raspberry on his forehead.

More adventures coming soon!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Weekend of work

On Saturday daddy organized the garage and wanted company so David and I came out and joined him. Here is video of David "helping". He probably was thinking that he has seen trashcans brought in every week of his life, he knows how to do it.

He was also sweeping but I couldn't get a picture of that. Yesterday daddy was mowing so we went outside to water flowers and help out. The dogs were stuck in the house. This isn't the best picture but is kind of cute with the dogs inside and David showing his concern for them while he's on the opposite side of the door.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Little drummer boy

David is going to be a drummer in a rock band some day I'm sure. He loves to drum on anything and everything! I bought some drums for him on Saturday, one even has attached cymbels and drum sticks and so here is a video of him in the car, I'm on my camera phone taping him playing the drums. The boy has talent!

We love to plant flowers

We started getting flowers planted on Sunday. We have a very boring front yard with no curb appeal and I have no green thumb. So I finally got a pot together for the front walk to add some color and cheery-ness to the place and then put some flowers out back and David helped.
He's a little compulsive as doors have to be closed, things have to be put away (I love this!) and he likes to "clean" things. Here he is with the broom sweeping away the potting soil that I was spilling everywhere.

Monday, May 11, 2009


It is finally nice enough in the evenings that when we get home we can play outside. Now David wants to do nothing but play outside, in the dirt, wherever. He doesn't have time to eat and he screams bloody murder if we bring him inside. Here are some pictures of my outside lovin' boy.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Either too smart or too cute

Unfortunately I didn't get pictures or video which isn't the best way to start this post. I left work yesterday a little early to beat the traffic and another storm coming through during the evening drive so I got to daycare before David could have his late afternoon snack. When we got home he was hungry so I pulled out the box of bunnies (little graham bunnies like teddy grahams but are preferred by my boy to the bears). David sat on my lap in the chair and I was breaking the bunnies in half and he was taking them out of my hand, no big deal.

I put David down in his favorite spot, the corner in front of the window, next to the end table, slightly behind the chair (a space that is just his) so I could go get him a cup of water. I come back with his water and can't find him and can't find the box of bunnies.

That little stinker! He is sitting on the floor below the window and the box of bunnies is in his lap. He hasn't spilled a single bunny and he's eating them out of the box like a big boy. AND the look on his face was saying that he was very proud of himself!!

He is a very smart boy, he's also a very cute boy so he can flash his dimples and get away with being precocious!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Snow Day

We had a snow day today. I was working from home to avoid the roads but daycare closed early so essentially we were home for a snow day! Here are pics of how we spent our day. Otis loves the snow so he was outside playing in it. Breeze hates the snow and cold and wind and outside in general so she slept under the shelf all day and David watched the snow fall from the window :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

He's Moody!

Chaz and I were trying to get St. Patrick's Day pictures yesterday so we can get cards made and sent out in time for the big day. Above is David protesting the prospect of posing for pictures. Below is just seconds later, and he looks like he's happily marching through the family room.

I'll do a full picture blog later but don't want to ruin the surprise of some of the pictures. Stay tuned for the McCutie!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

For my dad . . .

My dad retired recently so now he has more time on his hands and he has started following this blog. He says he's looking for recent pictures of his grandson so here's for my dad. Two new videos taken today . . .David was more into action today and not ready to pose for still photos. I'm hoping he'll cooperate this weekend so we can get the St. Patrick's Day photos to send to Great Grandpa.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daddy's been gone

So Chaz left Friday for a 4 day hunting trip to Texas. He got home after David was in bed Monday night and left again Tuesday morning for 2 days; this time to Atlanta for work. It has been really quiet around here and I think David is missing his daddy. Daddy comes home tomorrow and I plan on making myself scarce a little bit Saturday for Chaz and Daddy to hang out and then Sunday we can have family time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Day care update #2

Yesterday was a MUCH better day than Monday. I don't feel compelled to call anymore as he's adjusting well. The ugliest part of the day they say is naptime because by 11:30 he's so overtired that he's cranky and can't fall asleep. He naps on a mat so he tends to wander around the room rather than sleep so they are rocking him to sleep now (probably even as I write this). He'll adjust. The best part for me was when I walked in yesterday his teacher was there and the first thing she said was "He's so cute!". Yeah, we already know that.

Monday, February 16, 2009

New day care update

David's first day at his new day care was today. They wanted us there at 8:30 so we left the house 45 minutes later than normal, not the best way to start his day as he was already confused. We got there and his teacher decided to not come in today and they weren't quite sure what to do with David so that was also not a good sign. If they would have called me and told me his teacher was a no show, I wouldn't have brought him in.

He started in a room with another kiddo from his former day care center so that was fun. I put David in front of the fish tank and he seemed to like that and when I left he was trying to play with the other kids. When I called at 1 I was getting mixed reviews about his day, I think they were trying to tell me what I wanted to hear (although I wanted the truth). I picked him up at 4 (a bit early) and they said he was sad today.

Hearing my son was sad all day broke my heart. He was happy to see me but in the car he scowled at me and he was mad. I just really hope that each day gets a little bit better and I hope that his teacher is there tomorrow.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Look out, David isn't safe!

I've been wanting a new digital camera since David was born as mine is too slow from pushing the button to actually taking a picture that the pose you want is gone by the time the picture shows up. I couldn't get the red eye off either so that always freaked David out. Well I got a great new camera from my honey for Valentine's Day so look out, David isn't safe! Pictures galore will be coming soon :)

My mom bought David a very preppy argyle sweater vest for Christmas so he wore that to church today so I took pictures. I'll also upload another video from yesterday.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

David and I were going to play at Little Monkey Bizness today but there were so many people there I envisioned a melt down so we moved on, which is sad because it was very cold here and I wanted David to get to play and get some exercise. We're working on gross motor skills hoping he'll walk soon.

After a long 2 1/2 hour nap David got up and was ready for snack (goldfish and milk) and play. I took video of the afternoon on my phone, we'll see if I can insert it here.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Send us calm and happy thoughts!

Today is David's last day at the day care he's been at since March 27, 2008. Monday he begins a new day care with an entirely different schedule. I'm expecting a horrible week and hope and pray that David adjusts quickly and isn't too miserable. He doesn't walk alone yet so he'll be the only one in his class not walking. He takes 2 naps a day, in his new class he gets 1 a day (and it is 2 1/2 hours after his normal first nap) so there will be tons of changes for him and I'm very nervous.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lack of pictures

Chaz asked me last night if I had updated The Cannon Chronicles in awhile and I had said that I didn't. Now that David is in his 2nd year, I've noticed an extreme decrease in the number of pictures that we have of him. My mother noticed that she hasn't taken as many pictures this year either.

My theory is that we're so busy either playing with him or chasing after him and keeping him out of things like the dog dish or the toilet that I don't have time to grab the camera.

Sorry there isn't much to say . . .I'll try and get more pictures soon.

By the way, David finally has 5 teeth now (3 on top, 2 on bottom) and has another top tooth coming very soon.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Good days

So much of the country is gripped with extreme cold and here I am in the Denver metro area and the temperature was in the mid-50s today and by Monday it should be 62 degrees. I am certainly not complaining but I feel a little guilty.

David woke up and had a terrific morning. He was all kissy and cuddly and playing at the same time. He would play and then come back to give me a hug, it was very sweet. My folks came over to get their David "fix" while Chaz and I ran some errands. Then we all went to lunch where David enjoyed his eggs and pancake. Because it was so lovely we were able to take David to the park and he really enjoyed the swing. David is a little daredevil and he liked the slide too but the swing is still the absolute best.

After the park we came home for a nap and David stood at the foot of his bed and yelled out at us for half an hour at the top of his lungs hoping we'd come get him. He fell asleep for half an hour and then was back at it and then he got his wish and was rescued.

Anyway, today wasn't all the special, David was just adorable and I wanted to capture the great day. He's in day care 45 hours a week so our weekends are really special and some are just better than others.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So you had a bad day . . .

If I knew how to post audio and had the audio of the song, I'd post it as background music. David had his 1 year physical today (I know, he's almost 13 months old) and it was just bad. He is in the 50% for weight and the 25% for height, as usual (he even grew 4 inches and he still can't make headway). However, he's been poked and proded so much over the last month since he was sick the entire month of December that he just lost control when the doctor came in to examine him. He screamed like a banshee and he's never done that before. Then it was time for the shots. Oh my! Usually he's very good and only wimpers when the last shot goes in but the nurse walked into the room and it was just horrible. He's screaming, I'm crying because he's miserable and it was yucky.

When we got home he would do that crying thing where he couldn't get his breath if I'd take something away from him he wanted or if I tried to lay him down for a nap. He is just really having a bad day. This picture was a rare moment when he wasn't upset or mad at mommy.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Meet Otis!

We have two English Setters. Breeze is 10 and Otis is 9 months. Breeze was my husband's dog before we met but she is my Princess and I'm definitely the mommy. We added Otis to our family in May and he's my dog and everyone knows it! Actually, he'll be David's dog once David is older as the two are very, very close. Anyway, I took this picture of Otis yesterday because he was just so adorable. I'll have to add a picture of Breezey soon too.