Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer update

Summer is almost over but we've had so much fun I keep forgetting to blog and post pictures. In June we took David camping for the first time. His little sleeping bag is so cute but he preferred mine. The first night he fell off his bed around 3 am so I moved my bag to where he was and he crawled in mine. That little guy is a bed hog. The 2nd night we made him a nest on the floor but that didn't work so once again, I slept with him in my bag. My bag is a mummy bag and wasn't built for 2, even one David's size! The last night we put warmer pajamas on him and he slept covered but not zipped up so I didn't have to sleep with him that night. We didn't take pictures camping but here's the only 1 I have of him in his new chair.

We had a birthday party for my sister and myself and the kids (my neice) had a great time. Here they are running around chasing each other. It was the first time they really played "together".

David also spent time with Nana and Papa in June. He really loves this bench so here he is taking in some sun.

Finally, David has a stuffed dog that he got for Christmas. This is in lieu of a teddy bear but is now with us almost everywhere. For Father's Day he met a dog that belongs to a family at church and the dog's name is Abby. Well, now his dog's name is Abby so here is David and Abby.
All in all we've had a fantastic summer. It has been a lot of fun, very busy and we're anxious for what comes next. David had his first concrete "kiss" yesterday and fared well, just a raspberry on his forehead.

More adventures coming soon!

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