Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Long time no blog . . .

Wow, time has passed us by. David is almost 22 months old and his development is exploding everyday. Time to get y'all caught up.

We went to Nebraska over the weekend and on the way home, via Anselmo, NE, we were stopped by a train. David's in the backseat and craning his neck to see and his face was full of discovery. I realized that it was the first train he'd ever seen a train. He looked at me, pointed and said "choo choo." We read a book with Thomas the Train every night so he was making the connection between what he was seeing and the sound that the trains make. Next trip to Nebraska we'll spend time at the railyards in North Platte so he can see lots of trains. He's still saying choo choo in the mornings.

Last night David picked up his Bible to read some stories before bed. I told him that it was a special book called the Bible. David said "Bible". I told him it was written by God for him, mommy, daddy, Meghan, nana and papa, etc. Then we read some stories. When we were done I reminded him it was called The Bible. I asked him who wrote the Bible and he said "Papa!" (His grandpa). I think he understands that a very important man wrote the Bible. For him that is Papa.
Lastly, David is refusing to sit in his booster seat. So here are pics and video of him eating like a big boy. He opened the refrigerator (after dinner), grabbed a yogurt, opened it. I transferred it to the bowl and he ate all of it. Oh yeah, my son who used to run when you grabbed the camera, now stops and poses when the camera is out!

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