Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Long time no blog . . . . .

So is he just the cutest or what?

Looks like it has been October 2009 since I blogged . . .I apologize but if you have a 2 year old you kind of understand. He keeps me very busy and frankly, exhausted.

In the above picture I was aiming to take a picture of a tower that David built that was taller than him but he saw the camera, knocked down the tower (which was between him and me) and said "Cheese" and what I captured was better than any tower!!

David turned 2 in December and he received many new toys and fun things between Christmas and his birthday.

Lately we're working on getting 3 canine teeth in and 4 molars. He is starting to show signs that he's working on the molars. He moved to the 2 year old class at daycare in January and is very well liked by his friends. He also was able to start music appreciation classes once a week with other kids and he loves those. He dances to anything that is even remotely musical and smiles a lot. We are having a lot of fun as he's at a great age where we can do things. He is fascinated with modes of transportation and knows all the sounds that the animals make :)

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