Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So you had a bad day . . .

If I knew how to post audio and had the audio of the song, I'd post it as background music. David had his 1 year physical today (I know, he's almost 13 months old) and it was just bad. He is in the 50% for weight and the 25% for height, as usual (he even grew 4 inches and he still can't make headway). However, he's been poked and proded so much over the last month since he was sick the entire month of December that he just lost control when the doctor came in to examine him. He screamed like a banshee and he's never done that before. Then it was time for the shots. Oh my! Usually he's very good and only wimpers when the last shot goes in but the nurse walked into the room and it was just horrible. He's screaming, I'm crying because he's miserable and it was yucky.

When we got home he would do that crying thing where he couldn't get his breath if I'd take something away from him he wanted or if I tried to lay him down for a nap. He is just really having a bad day. This picture was a rare moment when he wasn't upset or mad at mommy.

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