Thursday, June 3, 2010

Are we ready?

I have been out of town for 2 nights this week and tonight David seemed like almost a different child. He was acting strange and then said that he had to go potty (he was wearing a diaper). He ran into the bathroom, I got the step stool, he pulled down his pants, I took off his diaper, he peed in the potty! Tomorrow I'll try to put pull ups on him.

I had planned on focusing on potty training when I return from the East Coast the end of the month but maybe we'll start low level potty training (not making it a focus but trying now and again) now. Oh boy, are we ready? I totally am!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No nap

David had a speech evaluation today. He didn't qualify. He's one of those kiddos who they can tell he needs help and will probably need articulation help someday but they couldn't legally qualify him today. I've seen lots of students like him in my career and it is frustating for the team. But, hey, speaking in 5 word sentences (even if they are unintelligible) is not normal for his age so yeah!!

After the morning we had our carpets cleaned so we tried to take a nap at my parent's house. Hmmm, that didn't work too well. The above was David at 5:44 pm tonight on our couch. So he didn't sleep on mom and dad's bed; so I made up the pack and play and he climbed out of it (that's it for the pack and play); so there was no nap today. I put him in pajamas and in bed right at 7:00 tonight. He hasn't woken up yet (it is 8:42) saying he's hungry so maybe he's out for the night. Or maybe he'll be awake at midnight or later wanting dinner.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So big!!

An old wives tale says that when a girl is 2 you double her height to get her adult height. When a boy is 2.5 you double his height. David is now 2 years, 4 months old and last night he was 35 1/2 inches tall! We're excited that he's growing tall. He's no longer the shortest kid in his class (even of students older than him). He's also been complaining lately that his knees hurt. I think he's growing and having growing pains, poor baby. Some of his pants are getting short too so all these things point to a growing boy :)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thank God I'm a Country Boy!

Yes folks, what you see is David helping mommy and daddy spread 25 cu ft of steer manure in the front yard. He loves to help when he thinks he can and David figured raking was something he could do so he dug right in. Normally he doesn't like to get too dirty but tonight he wasn't to keen on his bath. Granted he has a bad cold and it was way past bedtime by the time we started the bath. Plus mommy had the fingernail clippers out which sets him off every time.
Mommy's car was full of the steer manure on the way home and he didn't want to get into the "stinky car" and was most anxious to get out of the "stinky car." I guess he didn't make the connection when we had the manure on the ground that it was the source of the stink.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Snuggle Daddy

So David has become a fan of snuggling with his daddy before bed, or like last night, an hour after he was supposed to be sleeping! Last night I went into his room to get his laundry, he was wide awake (it was 9:00 pm) and he said, I want Snuggle Daddy!

While on his daddy's lap, after asking for water, he looked up at daddy and the look on his face was just adoration. I wish I had taken a picture. Of course David broke my camera so not sure how that would have worked.

Tonight daddy isn't home but due to David's lack of sleep last night, hopefully he's asleep by now. Every night we pray for Snuggle Daddy too.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Abby's fine

Abby (David's stuffed doggie) was sticky today. He got a lollipop at school and was eating it and of course got fingers sticky, touched Abby, etc. So I put Abby in the washing machine and he sat outside of it and kept saying "You're fine", "Abby's fine". Once she got out of the washing machine he put her in the dryer and then started it again, kept telling her she was fine. I don't think he believed it because if he wasn't standing outside the washing machine, he was in the family room crying out for Abby. This is why I use the Speed Wash and Speed Dry cycles .. . an hour away from her is about all he can handle. Used lots of bleach though so at least she smells prettier.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Long time no blog . . . . .

So is he just the cutest or what?

Looks like it has been October 2009 since I blogged . . .I apologize but if you have a 2 year old you kind of understand. He keeps me very busy and frankly, exhausted.

In the above picture I was aiming to take a picture of a tower that David built that was taller than him but he saw the camera, knocked down the tower (which was between him and me) and said "Cheese" and what I captured was better than any tower!!

David turned 2 in December and he received many new toys and fun things between Christmas and his birthday.

Lately we're working on getting 3 canine teeth in and 4 molars. He is starting to show signs that he's working on the molars. He moved to the 2 year old class at daycare in January and is very well liked by his friends. He also was able to start music appreciation classes once a week with other kids and he loves those. He dances to anything that is even remotely musical and smiles a lot. We are having a lot of fun as he's at a great age where we can do things. He is fascinated with modes of transportation and knows all the sounds that the animals make :)