Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thank God I'm a Country Boy!

Yes folks, what you see is David helping mommy and daddy spread 25 cu ft of steer manure in the front yard. He loves to help when he thinks he can and David figured raking was something he could do so he dug right in. Normally he doesn't like to get too dirty but tonight he wasn't to keen on his bath. Granted he has a bad cold and it was way past bedtime by the time we started the bath. Plus mommy had the fingernail clippers out which sets him off every time.
Mommy's car was full of the steer manure on the way home and he didn't want to get into the "stinky car" and was most anxious to get out of the "stinky car." I guess he didn't make the connection when we had the manure on the ground that it was the source of the stink.

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