Saturday, January 17, 2009

Good days

So much of the country is gripped with extreme cold and here I am in the Denver metro area and the temperature was in the mid-50s today and by Monday it should be 62 degrees. I am certainly not complaining but I feel a little guilty.

David woke up and had a terrific morning. He was all kissy and cuddly and playing at the same time. He would play and then come back to give me a hug, it was very sweet. My folks came over to get their David "fix" while Chaz and I ran some errands. Then we all went to lunch where David enjoyed his eggs and pancake. Because it was so lovely we were able to take David to the park and he really enjoyed the swing. David is a little daredevil and he liked the slide too but the swing is still the absolute best.

After the park we came home for a nap and David stood at the foot of his bed and yelled out at us for half an hour at the top of his lungs hoping we'd come get him. He fell asleep for half an hour and then was back at it and then he got his wish and was rescued.

Anyway, today wasn't all the special, David was just adorable and I wanted to capture the great day. He's in day care 45 hours a week so our weekends are really special and some are just better than others.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So you had a bad day . . .

If I knew how to post audio and had the audio of the song, I'd post it as background music. David had his 1 year physical today (I know, he's almost 13 months old) and it was just bad. He is in the 50% for weight and the 25% for height, as usual (he even grew 4 inches and he still can't make headway). However, he's been poked and proded so much over the last month since he was sick the entire month of December that he just lost control when the doctor came in to examine him. He screamed like a banshee and he's never done that before. Then it was time for the shots. Oh my! Usually he's very good and only wimpers when the last shot goes in but the nurse walked into the room and it was just horrible. He's screaming, I'm crying because he's miserable and it was yucky.

When we got home he would do that crying thing where he couldn't get his breath if I'd take something away from him he wanted or if I tried to lay him down for a nap. He is just really having a bad day. This picture was a rare moment when he wasn't upset or mad at mommy.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Meet Otis!

We have two English Setters. Breeze is 10 and Otis is 9 months. Breeze was my husband's dog before we met but she is my Princess and I'm definitely the mommy. We added Otis to our family in May and he's my dog and everyone knows it! Actually, he'll be David's dog once David is older as the two are very, very close. Anyway, I took this picture of Otis yesterday because he was just so adorable. I'll have to add a picture of Breezey soon too.