Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daddy's been gone

So Chaz left Friday for a 4 day hunting trip to Texas. He got home after David was in bed Monday night and left again Tuesday morning for 2 days; this time to Atlanta for work. It has been really quiet around here and I think David is missing his daddy. Daddy comes home tomorrow and I plan on making myself scarce a little bit Saturday for Chaz and Daddy to hang out and then Sunday we can have family time.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Day care update #2

Yesterday was a MUCH better day than Monday. I don't feel compelled to call anymore as he's adjusting well. The ugliest part of the day they say is naptime because by 11:30 he's so overtired that he's cranky and can't fall asleep. He naps on a mat so he tends to wander around the room rather than sleep so they are rocking him to sleep now (probably even as I write this). He'll adjust. The best part for me was when I walked in yesterday his teacher was there and the first thing she said was "He's so cute!". Yeah, we already know that.

Monday, February 16, 2009

New day care update

David's first day at his new day care was today. They wanted us there at 8:30 so we left the house 45 minutes later than normal, not the best way to start his day as he was already confused. We got there and his teacher decided to not come in today and they weren't quite sure what to do with David so that was also not a good sign. If they would have called me and told me his teacher was a no show, I wouldn't have brought him in.

He started in a room with another kiddo from his former day care center so that was fun. I put David in front of the fish tank and he seemed to like that and when I left he was trying to play with the other kids. When I called at 1 I was getting mixed reviews about his day, I think they were trying to tell me what I wanted to hear (although I wanted the truth). I picked him up at 4 (a bit early) and they said he was sad today.

Hearing my son was sad all day broke my heart. He was happy to see me but in the car he scowled at me and he was mad. I just really hope that each day gets a little bit better and I hope that his teacher is there tomorrow.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Look out, David isn't safe!

I've been wanting a new digital camera since David was born as mine is too slow from pushing the button to actually taking a picture that the pose you want is gone by the time the picture shows up. I couldn't get the red eye off either so that always freaked David out. Well I got a great new camera from my honey for Valentine's Day so look out, David isn't safe! Pictures galore will be coming soon :)

My mom bought David a very preppy argyle sweater vest for Christmas so he wore that to church today so I took pictures. I'll also upload another video from yesterday.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

David and I were going to play at Little Monkey Bizness today but there were so many people there I envisioned a melt down so we moved on, which is sad because it was very cold here and I wanted David to get to play and get some exercise. We're working on gross motor skills hoping he'll walk soon.

After a long 2 1/2 hour nap David got up and was ready for snack (goldfish and milk) and play. I took video of the afternoon on my phone, we'll see if I can insert it here.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Send us calm and happy thoughts!

Today is David's last day at the day care he's been at since March 27, 2008. Monday he begins a new day care with an entirely different schedule. I'm expecting a horrible week and hope and pray that David adjusts quickly and isn't too miserable. He doesn't walk alone yet so he'll be the only one in his class not walking. He takes 2 naps a day, in his new class he gets 1 a day (and it is 2 1/2 hours after his normal first nap) so there will be tons of changes for him and I'm very nervous.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Lack of pictures

Chaz asked me last night if I had updated The Cannon Chronicles in awhile and I had said that I didn't. Now that David is in his 2nd year, I've noticed an extreme decrease in the number of pictures that we have of him. My mother noticed that she hasn't taken as many pictures this year either.

My theory is that we're so busy either playing with him or chasing after him and keeping him out of things like the dog dish or the toilet that I don't have time to grab the camera.

Sorry there isn't much to say . . .I'll try and get more pictures soon.

By the way, David finally has 5 teeth now (3 on top, 2 on bottom) and has another top tooth coming very soon.