Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In the land of RSV . . .

David has been super cranky since we returned home after Christmas. Yesterday was really, really bad and I made the mistake of taking him to day care in order to get an hours worth of work done at the office before taking him to a drs. appointment. Day Care called literally 2 minutes after I walked into my office saying he couldn't breathe. First time mother that I am, I panicked, dropped everything and got my baby. I love the drs. office that thye considered it an emergency and worked him in and he got phenomenal care and he really was struggling to breathe. Watching my baby wheeze and struggle for every breath was frightening.

The diagnosis came back as in fact RSV. His blood oxygen was too low and I learned how to use a nebulizer. I was told to come back 3 hours later and the look on the drs. face told me to pack our bags, we were headed to the hospital. 3 hours later, David was holding his own, he was still wheezing but his oxygen levels were in the normal range so we came home and now we use the nebulizer every 5 hours or so to open his airways.

He is home with momma for the rest of the week (and he shared his germs with me, thanks little man) but he slept all day yesterday and darn it if he has lots of playing to catch up on today and won't sleep. He got to have a slumber party with mommy and daddy last night but tonight it is back in his own bed!!

For more information on RSV you can check out:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah, thanks for checking out my blog!!! I love yours, and I am so sorry to hear your little guy has fun! We haven't had that here, but I think we have had every other illness under the sun! Have a great new year, I look forward to keeping up with your blog!!
