Wednesday, December 31, 2008

In the land of RSV . . .

David has been super cranky since we returned home after Christmas. Yesterday was really, really bad and I made the mistake of taking him to day care in order to get an hours worth of work done at the office before taking him to a drs. appointment. Day Care called literally 2 minutes after I walked into my office saying he couldn't breathe. First time mother that I am, I panicked, dropped everything and got my baby. I love the drs. office that thye considered it an emergency and worked him in and he got phenomenal care and he really was struggling to breathe. Watching my baby wheeze and struggle for every breath was frightening.

The diagnosis came back as in fact RSV. His blood oxygen was too low and I learned how to use a nebulizer. I was told to come back 3 hours later and the look on the drs. face told me to pack our bags, we were headed to the hospital. 3 hours later, David was holding his own, he was still wheezing but his oxygen levels were in the normal range so we came home and now we use the nebulizer every 5 hours or so to open his airways.

He is home with momma for the rest of the week (and he shared his germs with me, thanks little man) but he slept all day yesterday and darn it if he has lots of playing to catch up on today and won't sleep. He got to have a slumber party with mommy and daddy last night but tonight it is back in his own bed!!

For more information on RSV you can check out:

Monday, December 29, 2008

Male bonding . . .

Well from the picture it looks like my dad had more fun at the aquarium than David did. I hear the trip wasn't horrible and hopefully when he's older he'll enjoy it more. My dad said David was just studying all the fish. I guess he really liked the lions (why are there lions at the aquarium?). I think in this picture David is looking for mommy because he missed me.

A trip to Bass Pro Shops rounded out the day and every boy needs a new hat. I guess David liked his, it came home with him.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

My favorite pictures from Christmas

The day after Christmas the focus was on getting David to eat, anything! Here are my favorite pictures from the trip :)

Happy Holidays!!

We had a lovely Christmas up in Granby. David was spoiled by the grandparents, his aunt & uncle and of course his parents. Due to David's birthday being just before Christmas we've been opening quite a few presents lately. Yesterday he woke up, went to the tree and kind of looked around wondering where the presents were that he could open!
Monday David is participating in his first male bonding day. My dad and Chaz will take David to the Downtown Aquarium because David is enthralled with fish and then they will head to Bass Pro Shops for the big boys to have a little fun too.
New Year's I'm hoping will be a quiet, boring day at home. Getting a sitter is tough and frankly, there isn't that much going on that day that I feel I need to be a part of. Here is hoping you all had a lovely Christmas.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wow, I guess I'm blogging!!

I don't have time for such things but am feeling inspired by old college friends as I'm reading their blogs on this Christmas Eve Eve. So I will try my best as we are close to entering 2009 to keep anyone who cares abreast of the tales of the family Cannon, otherwise known as The Cannon Chronicles!

In case you are wondering, any URL that seemed identifiable was taken so I'm hoping my beautiful son inspires me. Besides, most of you want to know what his antics are anyway.

Merry Christmas everyone!!