Thursday, May 21, 2009

Little drummer boy

David is going to be a drummer in a rock band some day I'm sure. He loves to drum on anything and everything! I bought some drums for him on Saturday, one even has attached cymbels and drum sticks and so here is a video of him in the car, I'm on my camera phone taping him playing the drums. The boy has talent!

We love to plant flowers

We started getting flowers planted on Sunday. We have a very boring front yard with no curb appeal and I have no green thumb. So I finally got a pot together for the front walk to add some color and cheery-ness to the place and then put some flowers out back and David helped.
He's a little compulsive as doors have to be closed, things have to be put away (I love this!) and he likes to "clean" things. Here he is with the broom sweeping away the potting soil that I was spilling everywhere.

Monday, May 11, 2009


It is finally nice enough in the evenings that when we get home we can play outside. Now David wants to do nothing but play outside, in the dirt, wherever. He doesn't have time to eat and he screams bloody murder if we bring him inside. Here are some pictures of my outside lovin' boy.